Reb Beach and the Bad Boys – 26/10/2024 – FUZZ CLUB
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Ο βιρτουόζος της κιθάρας Reb Beach θα ανέβει στη σκηνή του Fuzz Club το Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου.
Τον είδαμε στο πλάι της Chaka Kahn και του Bob Dylan, τον γνωρίσαμε από τον Alice Cooper, τον μάθαμε από τους Winger και τον αγαπήσαμε από τους Whitesnake.
Και τώρα θα τον απολαύσουμε για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα!
Μαζί του οι Bad Boys: Michele Luppi (μπάσο), Fabio Dessi (φωνητικά), Khaled Abbas (κιθάρα), Paolo Caridi (drums), Enrico Varisco (πλήκτρα).
Μεγάλωσε ακούγοντας τα ιερά τέρατα του ροκ της δεκαετίας του ’70 και τζαμάροντας αρχικά με το πιάνο του και στη συνέχεια με την κιθάρα του για ώρες. Ο άνθρωπος που του άλλαξε την αντίληψη για τη μουσική ήταν ο Steve Morse (Dixie Dregs & Deep Purple) αφού η ταχύτητα και η περιπλοκότητα του παιξίματός του, απείχε αρκετά από τον κλασικό blues-based ήχο της ροκ της εποχής.
Πέρασε μερικά εξάμηνα στο Berkeley School of Music αλλά γρήγορα κατάλαβε ότι η τυπική προσέγγιση της μουσικής, δεν ήταν αρκετή για τον ίδιο. Ξεκίνησε να πειραματίζεται με δικά του κομμάτια σε ένα μείγμα jazz & rock και κατάφερε να κερδίσει τον διαγωνισμό Annual Best Guitarist. Τότε, πήρε την κιθάρα του και ταξίδεψε στη Νέα Υόρκη. Πολύ γρήγορα βρέθηκε να παίζει δίπλα σε θρύλους όπως Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Roger Daltrey, Chaka Kahn, The Bee Gees, Howard Jones και Twisted Sister. Ήταν ήδη ξεκάθαρο ότι ήταν ένας βιρτουόζος που είχε την ικανότητα να προσαρμόζεται σε διαφορετικά στυλ μουσικής. Ήταν πλέον έτοιμος για το επόμενο βήμα.
Κάπου εκεί, γνώρισε το άλλο του μισό, τον μπασίστα Kip Winger και μαζί έφτιαξαν τους Winger. Και τότε άρχισε το πραγματικό μουσικό του ταξίδι. Μαζί ηχογράφησαν τρία άλμπουμ: Winger (1988), In the heart of the young (1990) και Pull (1993), ενώ κυκλοφόρησαν και πολλά singles όπως: Seventeen, Madalaine, Headed for a Heartbreak και Miles Away.
Αργότερα ξεκίνησε να παίζει στη μπάντα του Alice Cooper και στην πορεία αντικατέστησε τον George Lynch στους Dokken. Στο μεταξύ έκανε κι άλλες συνεργασίες και έβγαλε τον πρώτο του solo δίσκο (Masquerade, 2002). Την ίδια χρονιά μπήκε στην παρέα των Whitesnake και μέχρι σήμερα αποτελεί το δεύτερο πιο παλιό μέλος τους μετά τον David Coverdale. Μαζί τους έχει γυρίσει όλο τον πλανήτη και έχουν παίξει μπροστά σε εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες fans, ενώ έχουν ηχογραφήσει και 4 δίσκους: Good to Be Bad (2008), Forevermore (2011), The Purple Album (2015) και Flesh & Blood (2019).
Σήμερα ετοιμάζεται για το tour στην Ευρώπη με τους Bad Boys και για μία και μοναδική στάση στην Αθήνα. Ετοιμάσου να τον απολαύσεις στη σκηνή του Fuzz Club το Σάββατο 26 Οκτωβρίου!
Previous events
Robben Ford – 08/12/2023 – FUZZ CLUB
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One of the world’s leading guitarists and five-time Grammy nominee, the legendary Robben Ford is coming to Athens! At Fuzz Club for one night only, on Friday, December 8th. Having played alongside music legends, Robben Ford continues to confirm Musician magazine’s ranking of him as one of the 100 greatest guitarists of the 20th century.
He was born in California and his relationship with music began at the age of 10 when he decided to learn the saxophone. But he was quickly won over by the guitar and fell in love with the golden age of rhythm and blues, attending concerts of B.B. King, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Led Zeppelin with fury. Somewhere in there he discovered his second musical love: jazz.
He got to know it through the saxophone of Paul Desmond and the Dave Brubeck Quartet, but also thanks to John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter and of course Miles Davis.
Somehow this unique and special blend of jazz and blues that characterizes Robben Ford’s playing came about. From his first day of contact with music, to this day Robben Ford has never stopped playing, composing and experimenting. The Greek audience will have the opportunity to enjoy him for the first time together with Jonny Henderson on Hammond and Evan Jenkins on drums on Friday, December 8th at Fuzz Club.
Sweet Summer Sun Music Festival – 06/07/2023

Main Event Productions presents the “Sweet Summer Sun Music Festival”, an evening of Jazz like you have never heard before. Hosted at the Technopolis, in the old gasworks plant of Athens now transformed into a vibrant cultural multispace in the heart of the city, you will be treated to a truly unique musical experience.
The amazing supergroup “The Aristocrats” will be the headliners of the festival, followed by the multitalented band “Take Off Collective”, our very own Greek ‘NUKeLEUS trio’ and vintage swingers “Soulstice”.
These great artists will take you on a smooth journey of fusion Jazz mixed with blues and funk with doses of Rock, modern Classical music and even hints of Metal. On this summer night we break all boundaries – the Sweet Summer Sky is the limit. So come join us for a truly unique, once in a lifetime experience that is guaranteed to blow your mind!
The Aristocrats
This incredible band came together at the Anaheim NAMM Show in California in 2011, where they were challenged to come up with a musical program that would highlight the musical capabilities of their instruments in as many genres as possible. They rose to the occasion and realised at the end of this concert that they had created a supergroup with a unique sound and vibe that absolutely needed to continue to shine in its uniqueness and share its unique sound with the world – this is how The Aristocrats were born.
The three great virtuosos who comprise this band are guitarist Guthrie Govan, drummer Marco Minnemann and bassist Brian Beller. Guitarist Guthrie Govan has worked with well-established musicians such as Steve Wilson, Hans Zimmer and the progressive Rock Group Asia/GPS. Drummer Marco Minneman has worked with big names in the music industry such as Steve Wilson, Joe Satriani and Steve Hackett. Bassist Brian Beller has worked with artists such as Joe Satriani, Steve Vai and Steve Hackett.
The Aristocrats are a musical trio who are true masters at mixing musical styles – Jazz, of course, but also funk with dynamic rock and metal passages, an explosive, rocking mix that brings together Frank Zappa with Jimi Hendrix and John Coltrane with the Chick Corea Electric Band. These are the Aristocrats, who create a sonic phantasmagorical experience onstage in every appearance.
Since recording their debut album in 2011, The Aristocrats have played at numerous festivals and stages around the world. To date they have recorded three live albums which proves their strong and imposing presence on stage. And now, with a lot of wind in their sails, The Aristocrats come to Greece as headliners of the Sweet Summer Sun Music Festival as part of their own Defrost Tour that takes them from North America to Europe and Asia.
Take Off Collective
The three real virtuosos, American bassist Matt Garrison, Serbian drummer Marko Djordjevic and Norwegian saxophonist Ole Mathisen, together form the “Take Off Collective”. They are the second international band that will be playing at this year’s Sweet Summer Sun Music Festival.
The legendary Matt Garrison has, to his credit, a rich discography and numerous important collaborations with artists such as Herbie Hancock, Joe Zawinul, Chaka Khan, Paul Simon,Whitney Houston, Wayne Shorter, John Mclaughlin, Michael Brecker, John Scofield and many more.His father, Jimmy, was the bassist for the historic John Coltrane Quartet so clearly music is very much a part of his DNA, a fact that is as clear as day if one should have the fortune to witness him on stage.
Serbian born drummer Marko Djordjevic is considered one of the world’s leading drummers. Dubbed a ‘world class drummer’ and ‘true innovator’ by Modern Drummer magazine, he is also an Associate Professor at the Berklee College of Music. He is the leader of the band ‘Sveti’ and has collaborated with big names in the international music scene such as Lionel Loueke, Wayne Krantz, Lucky Peterson, Garry Willis, Eric Lewis, Janek Gwizdala and others.
The third member of the Take Off Collective is the saxophonist and composer Ole Mathisen, who like the other members of this band, has extensive recording and concert experience. He has also held jazz teaching positions at major American universities and his composition shave won numerous important prizes in international competitions.
The Take Off Collective, is literally a collective that unites the diverse and rich musical experiences and styles of its 3 members. It is a union of three friends who have come together to explore and perfect their joined musical adventures spanning over more than 30years, since they met as students at Berklee College of Music. This collaboration was and remains explosive and this summer we give you the opportunity to experience it for yourself!
Formed in 2006 by drummer Yannis Stavropoulos (Aydin Essen, Andy Sheppard, CraigBailey) pianist Sami Amiris (Rex Richardson, Craig Bailey, Marko Djordjevic) and bassist Perikles Trivolis (Rex Richardson, Craig Bailey, Gilad Atzmon) NUKeLEUS have gained recognition for their technical abilities and “unorthodox” repertoire both in Greece and abroad.Their compositions draw elements from jazz, rock, classical and world music more often than not interpreted through their trademark polyrhythmic approach.
They were active between 2007 and 2010 receiving rave reviews locally and internationally. After a long hiatus they reunited in 2022 for a series of appearances with noted saxophonist Gilad Atzmon. Upon realizing that they have tremendous fun playing together and that their fanbase is still intact, they decided to officially restart their collaboration. They are in the process of recording an audiovisual rendition of their old repertoire before embarking on new projects.
Soulstice is a truly unique band that rework popular modern and rock music hits into vintage swing, creating one of a kind jazzy arrangements of well known hits. The incredibly talented musicians of this band will be accompanied by 4 harmonious female voices that compliment and elevate the music of Soulstice to another level.
The singers, Margarita Papadimitriou, Antonia Despouli, Anna Tarba and Emilia Tsimidaki will share a stage with Stamatis Stamatakis on double bass, Seraphim Bellos on drums, Angelos Tsourelis on piano, Giorgos Zareas on trombone and Kostas Karagiannis on the saxophone.